Governance structure
Our governance structure is based on the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. Additionally, the Board of Directors is advised by the Statutory Audit Committee, which contributes to the continuous improvement of this body’s decision-making process. We also have a Fiscal Council that, among other duties, is responsible for overseeing management’s actions and verifying compliance with their legal and statutory duties.
As support, we have also established a set of specific policies, including those aimed at implementing ESG criteria in our activities. Learn more about our governance structure on the Investor Relations website, and access further details about the composition of the Board of Directors, the Fiscal Council, the Executive Board and the Audit Committee in our Reference Form.
Advisory Committees
GRI 3-3
The Advisory Committees support the Board of Directors and the Executive Board in evaluating topics relevant to Rede D’Or. They are responsible for providing relevant analysis and information to support the decision-making process, which includes reporting on the ESG impacts of our activities. The Company’s advisory bodies raise the Board of Directors’ awareness about ESG topics through theoretical and practical approaches. [GRI 2-17].
In 2023, one of the measures taken to develop collective knowledge, skills and experience of the highest governance body on sustainable development was to involve the Board of Directors in the construction and approval of the Company’s ESG Strategic Plan, ESG policies, Materiality update process, presentation of quarterly results and the approval of this report.